Saturday, February 1, 2014

Unlucky Numbers Around the World

In Lucky Numbers Around The World, I talked about the significance of some numbers in particular cultures and why they consider the number "lucky".

Now, here are some not so lucky numbers around the world: 

  • The Number 3. In Vietnam, people suppose that you shouldn't take photos with three people in it. Why? They believe that the person in the middle would die. (Didn't that escalate quickly?)
  • The Number 4. In China, people believe that the number four is very, very unlucky, because the Chinese pronunciation of the word "four" (in Mandarin) sounds like the word death. This might also be the case on why some buildings skip any floors with 4 in it (So the buttons in he elevator might say 1,2,3,5...13,15... and so on). 
Did you know... that the fear of the number 4 is called "tetrophobia"?

Note that the fourth floor is missing. from
  • The Number 9. Just like with the commotion above with China and the number 4, Japan has the same reason on why it hates the number nine. It sounds similar to the word for suffering.
  • The Number 17. The Italians think that the number seventeen is unlucky because if you re-arrange the letters of the number in Roman Numerals (XVII), you can spell Vixi, which means "I have lived", portraying that one is already dead.

Again, a number that struck my blog's pageview counter is 10,000! Thank you all for reading and supporting my blog. There will be more to come in 2014! 

See you lovely people again on Tuesday.

Haven't done an Eats post in a while....


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